How Much Does Walmart Make? 91 Statistics
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Key Walmart Statistics
- Walmart's yearly revenue for 2021 was $571.96 billion.
- In online sales, Walmart made $17.3 billion in 2021, which is an 8.8% gain from the previous year.
- Walmart's online sales went ahead of eBay's by 0.6% in 2021.
- The most recent report by Walmart shows them operating 11,501 stores worldwide.
- The state of Texas leads in store count over every other state in the US, with 516 stores total.
- Walmart employs 2.2 million people throughout the globe.
- US veterans account for 265,000 Walmart employees.
- Globally, there are 265 million total Walmart shoppers.
- Walmart's part-time employees make up 40% of their workforce.
- The average full-time employee at Walmart earns $14.26 per hour.
- Walmart's female employees total more than half of the overall workforce, at 55%.
Walmart Revenue Statistics
Walmart Annual Revenue
Walmart's yearly revenue for 2021 was $571.96 billion. Since the previous year in 2020, that's over a 4% rise. 2020 was lower, with $523.946 billion in sales.
Yearly revenue is tallied by getting the total amount of money earned by a company. Such information is logged by corporations, to which Walmart does the same.
But within the last tens of years, the amount of growth that has come from the company through sales is easy to see. 2019 was pretty much the same for Walmart, with a 2.81 boost from the year 2018.
Although that may not seem like much, It's still a 2.81% boost from 2018. Each year preceding 2018 over a ten-year period is the same, showing increases ranging between 1 and 5%.
Walmart Quarterly Revenue
Walmart had a quarterly revenue in late 2021 of $140.52 billion.
Companies rely on more than statistics on their earnings to gauge growth over 12 months.
While yearly revenue amounts are crucial to determining growth, seeing how each quarter varies from the next that follows it can pinpoint certain trends or progress is coming from.
This benefits Walmart's shareholders as well as employees. Quarter sales differ from yearly revenue and only account for the final portion of the year. Therefore, the amount is significantly smaller than what's shown for the entire calendar year.
Likewise, while the average quarterly revenue in 2005 was about $75.397 billion, the 2021 figures show us it amounts to $152.079 billion.
Walmart Daily Revenue
The daily revenue for Walmart at the end of 2021 was 1,409, more than the preceding year.
Although quarterly and yearly revenue tallied is important, it doesn't stop there. Daily revenue for Walmart exceeded every year, including in 2020.
Daily revenue for Walmart and other companies can be found by dividing the annual revenue by the total number of days in a calendar year. In this case, it's 365 days.
For the last ten years, Walmart has steadily increased its daily revenue earnings, primarily through large-scale projects and store openings within the United States, but also worldwide.
Walmart Online E-commerce Revenue
In online sales, Walmart made $17.3 billion in 2021, which is an 8.8% gain from the previous year. In 2020, online earnings were $15.9 billion.
Number Of Walmart Customers
The number of Walmart customers in the year 2020 was 37 million.
Every store franchise depends on a steady stream of customers to keep the business afloat. Walmart is no different. Walmart averages tens of millions in customer foot traffic every year. These include customers living in the United States and around the world.
Since many Walmart stores are sprawling, they can manage a large number of shoppers throughout the day and night. Just a single brick-and-mortar store built by Walmart can contain hundreds of shoppers.
For many small American towns, Walmart is a significant place for residents to manage their weekly shopping routine in one place.
Walmart Annual Gross Profit
In 2019, Walmart reported $129.19 billion in total gross profit earnings.
That same year, Walmart made over 500 billion in total revenue. The amount was nearly three percent higher than the previous year. Compared to 2018, $126.94 billion was the yearly gross profit.
A considerable amount of the gross profit for 2019 was from American consumers, including from goods bought off the internet. Gross profit rose in 2020 to $129 billion, not a huge rise from the preceding year.
Walmart Quarterly Gross Profit
Walmart Stock Price History
Walmart closed in with a stock price of $152.79 in November of 2020.
Walmart's stock prices show little volatility over the past three years. In January of 2021, the company had shares priced at $140.19.
Analyzed for over 52 weeks in 2021, Walmart's closing price at its highest was $152.57. There was an increase of almost 9% to the current share price. Their reported low for the same period in 2021 was $126.57, a 10% estimated reduction from prices at the moment.
Historical daily share price chart and data for Walmart since 1972 adjusted for splits. The latest closing stock price for Walmart as of January 21, 2022, is 140.19. $141.48 is the current stock price for the 52 weeks leading into early 2022.
Walmart Market Cap
In January 2022, Walmart had a $388.87 market cap.
Walmart Operating Income
Walmart reported $25.542 billion in operating income in 2021.
For the final quarter of 2021, Walmart had 5.792 billion in operating income, slightly higher than the previous year by 0.24%. For that year in 2020, the company held $20.568 billion in operating income.
This was a reduction from the amount Walmart had in 2019. In that year, $21.957 billion was reported, a 6.33% decrease from the year ahead. Still, that was better than 2018, which rose by 7.44% more than that year.
Walmart EBITDA
Walmart's yearly EBITDA for 2021 was $33.7 billion.
This sum is higher than 2020 by 6.8%. EBITDA for 2020 was $31.555 billion, according to data from the company. These increases continued for several years prior to 2019. 2020 was a decline by 3.31%, whereby 2019's total EBITDA was $32.635 billion.
As the abbreviation for earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. From this data, Walmart can determine how spending on new building projects and employee increases will be carried out in the immediate future.
Walmart Net Income
The net income for Walmart during 2021 was $8.020 billion. This was tallied from the beginning of the year until the final quarter in October.
Net income is the amount of money earned by a company after income expenses revenue, and payroll expenses have been totaled. This isn't an exhaustive list of what isn't factored into net income.
The net income for Walmart during 2020 was $14.881 billion. This is an incredible rise from 2019. That year's net income was $6.67 billion.
When compared to the year afterwards, it's 123.1% higher.
What was the cause of this? In short, the number of people using Walmart for making purchases online rose sharply in 2020, where lockdown measures forced customers to rely on Walmart's online retail as an alternative.
This had a profound effect on what Walmart sells online, which continues to see strong sales on the web.
Walmart EPS
The Earnings per share for Walmart in 2021 was $2.88. This is a 58.38% sharp reduction when year-over-year is factored, 58.38%, to be exact.
Earnings per share are a business's sum of profits and lost income per shareholder. EPS for Walmart is summed according to the quarter and year.
Since the company's 2020 EPS was $5.19, Walmart had a 129.65% rise from what was reported in 2019. That year, the company had $2.26, more than 2018's annual EPS.
Walmart Shares Outstanding
At the end of 2021, Walmart's shares outstanding was 2.797 billion.
By definition, shares outstanding are the shares held by purchasers and shareholders. The number reported at the end of 2021 less than earlier in the year, where shares outstanding in July was 2.791 billion.
Walmart purchases shares from their investors during this time. As a whole, the 2021 total shares outstanding was more than 2020 at $2.847 billion, a 0.73% reduction.
Walmart 2021 shares outstanding were 2.847B, a 0.73% decline from 2020.
Number Of Walmart Stores
At the end of 2021, Walmart reported 11,501 stores worldwide.
With such a large number of retail stores, the amount reported by Walmart is subject to fluctuation. But the total amount could increase slightly in the next year, but not enough to push it to 12,000.
With Walmart seeing strong online sales, it's possible that the company may decide to expand their operations online, and construct fewer physical store locations. Walmart had many stores, though the highest concentration of these remains in the United States.
When divided, Walmart has three primary areas of operation. Walmart in the US continues to dominate in sales, though Sam's Club is also important in their sales.
So is their international clientele, where Walmart also has a strong presence. However, US customers account for their main source of profit, 65% to be exact.
How many Walmart stores are there in the world?
On a global scale, Walmart has a total number of 11,501 stores.
With that number of stores, it’s no wonder Walmart is a force to reckon with both on the domestic and the international retailer scene.
The company has three separate segments (Walmart U.S., Sam’s Club, and Walmart International), the first one being the strongest and most profitable segment.
As of 2020, Walmart U.S. is responsible for about 65% of all Walmart’s net sales.
Number Of Walmart Employees
Walmart's employee population is 2,300,000, as reported in late 2021.
In 2020, Walmart had 2.2 million workers. That's a gain of 4.55% compared to 2021. Still, employee numbers remained virtually unchanged in 2019. As such, there was no increase or decline in the percentages.
But in 2018, Walmart had 2.3 million employees. As shown in the numbers, Walmart has rebounded from the workers that were lost over a three-year period. 2018 saw no significant changes in employee numbers from 2017's final quarter.
Walmart Assets & Liabilities Statistics
Walmart Total Assets
Walmart $252.496 billion in total assets for 2021.
This number is 6.77% higher than in 2020. That year, the retail giant had $236.495 billion. For each previous year that follows up for a period of ten year, Walmart maintained increases in total assets.
In 2019, for example, the company had $219.295, which is 7.84% higher than the following year. For nearly a decade, Walmart had averaged approximately 7-percent total asset increases every year.
Walmart Cash On Hand
$17.741 billion is the amount of cash on hand that Walmart had at the end of 2021.
Walmart's quarterly cash of hand for 2021 was 12.47% more on a year-over-year basis, totaling $16.111 billion. In 2020, Walmart had a $9.741 billion cash on hand deposit.
When looking at the previous year, that's an 87.44% growth. As such, 2019 was $7.722 billion, more than 2018 but lower in percentage than 2020.
Walmart Long Term Debt
The long term debt for Walmart in 2021 was $45.041 billion, reduced from 2020 by 6.21%.
In the latter half of 2020, the company reported $48.021 in long term debit, a 4.35 reduction from 2019's $50.203 billion.
Long term debt classifies the money that a business owes to other business establishments and financial institutions.
As such, declines in long term debt are taken as positive, where the less money owed can provide a company with the incentive to expand and grow through partnerships with banks and other corporations willing to do business with them.
Walmart Total Liabilities
The total liabilities for Walmart in 2021 was $164.965 billion.
Liabilities are claims brought against Walmart, which are summed up every year. Total liabilities also include potential claims made, usually for accidents that happen in the store.
Some of these include claims from falls and slips, employee injuries, or even injury or harm experienced from items purchased in Walmart's stores.
In 2020, Walmart's total liabilities was $154.943 billion. That's an increase from the following year by 6.47%, but a 10.94% rise from 2019. That year, Walmart's liabilities were $139.661 billion, higher than 2018 by over 12%.
Walmart Shareholder Equity
The annual shareholder equity for Walmart in 2021 was $87.531 billion.
2021's amount is more than 2020 by 7.33%. In the final quarter of that year, Walmart had $81.552 billion. When looking at year-over year shareholder equity, Walmart reported $90.757 billion in late 2021.
Walmart Margins Statistics
Walmart Profit Margins
Walmart had a total profit margin in 2021 of 1.4%.
Profit margins are revenue percentages made by a company after all expenses are taken out. Profit margin percentages must be known by a company to accurately see how their earned money is regulated throughout the business.
From this, a company can find where pricing on their merchandise is too cheap, too expensive, or where costs need to be increased or slashed.
Why is profit margin important? "Profit margin is important because, simply put, it shows how much of every revenue dollar is flowing to the bottom line," said Ken Wentworth of Wentworth Financial Partners. "It can quickly help determine pricing problems.
Current and historical gross margin, operating margin, and net profit margin for Walmart (WMT) over the last 10 years.
Profit margin can be defined as the percentage of revenue that a company retains as income after the deduction of expenses. Walmart net profit margin as of October 31, 2021 is 1.4%.
Walmart Gross Margins
Since the end of 2021, Walmart's gross margins have been reported to be 25.04%.
Without knowing the gross margins, a business wouldn't have the reliable data to determine whether or not sales are enough to pay for the costs of keeping the business running.
The percentage includes the cost of hiring, training, and providing payments to employees.
Since Walmart contracts with other companies to run their business establishments in the stores themselves, the leasing of floor space is also a part of gross margins. From the percentage, Walmart determines how profitable they are and will in the immediate future.
Walmart Operating Margins
Walmart has an operating profit margin of 3.10 since the final quarter of 2021.
Walmart EBITDA Margins
EBITDA for Walmart is reported to be $36.31 billion.
Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and Amortization helps companies like Walmart considerable funds after all payments are made. Walmart's EBITDA is tallied over finance information gained over the last ten years.
Walmart Pre-Tax Profit Margins
Since last year in 2021, Walmart's pre-tax profit margin2.33%.
Pre-tax profit margin is the money made by a business before its taxes are paid off.More specifically, it shows how Walmart's money spent on taxes converts over to higher dollar amounts gained.
For this reason, it's a great way for businesses they compete with to compare themselves in the number of funds raised per penny in taxes.
Walmart Net Margins
Walmart had a net margin of 1.40% in 2021.
This was counted for only the final quarter of the year. Net margin, or net profit margin. It's the net gains made by a business, their income, yet just a small percentage of all revenue earned.
Walmart Price Ratios
Walmart PE Ratio
Walmart had a PE ratio of 22.22 at the start of the first quarter of 2022.
The price to earnings ratio of a company is known by the business's closing price, It's then divided with the EPS. It reveals how song stock sells for more or less then what they're supposed to.
When stocks sell more than what they're supposed to, it could unfavorably affect their prices if the problem isn't corrected. But if its undervalued, the could risk its shares being sold up on large numbers too quickly.
Walmart P/S Ratio
The current price to sales ratio for Walmart as of January 21, 2022, is 0.69.
Companies need a way to pay to find out how much their shareholders are ready to pay for a percentage of a company. This is what the price to sales ratio is for.
P/S ratio provides Walmart what the company needs to understand what investors are okay with paying with every dollar that they spend on them.
Walmart Price/Book Ratio
The latest price to book ratio for Walmart $4.08, as of January 2022.
This is another useful statistic that companies use to monitor their stock price, and if they're being sold at the right price. Lower values point to undervaluation of the stocks, while AP/B is normal.
Walmart Price-FCF Ratio
Price to free cash flow ratio for Walmart is currently 22.64.
Walmart Net Worth
Walmart's net worth as of January 21, 2022 is $388.87 billion.
Interactive chart of historical net worth (market cap) for Walmart (WMT) over the last 10 years.
How much a company is worth is typically represented by its market capitalization, or the current stock price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding.
Walmart Other Ratios
Walmart Current Ratio
Current ratio can be defined as a liquidity ratio that measures a company's ability to pay short-term obligations. Walmart current ratio for the three months ending October 31, 2021, was 0.95.
Walmart Quick Ratio
Walmart's quick ratio was reported to be 0.29.
To know a company's liquidity, they look into the business's quick ratio.
Walmart Debt/Equity Ratio
The debt/equity ratio can be defined as a measure of a company's financial leverage calculated by dividing its long-term debt by stockholders' equity. Walmart debt/equity for the three months ending October 31, 2021 was 0.45.
Walmart ROE
Return on equity can be defined as the amount of net income returned as a percentage of shareholders equity. Return on equity measures a corporation's profitability by revealing how much profit a company generates with the money shareholders have invested.
Walmart ROA
Walmart's return of assets was 3.30.
Walmart ROI
At the end of October, Walmart had a 6.13% return on investment.
Walmart had a return of assets of 3.31, reported at the closing quarter of 20221. Return of investments is calculated by dividing income with ordinary assets, such as
To find out a company's return of assets, it's divided by a person or entity's net income and the amount of assets there are.
Walmart Return On Tangible Equity
Walmart had a Return On Tangible Equity of 13.71%
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the #1 selling item at Walmart?
Bananas have been the best-selling item at Walmart for several years.
While America's largest retailer doesn't disclose just how many bananas it sells, the number has to be immense considering that more than 200 million people shop in its stores worldwide every week.
How much does one Walmart make a day?
On average, Walmart makes a whopping $17,000 per second, $1.1 million per minute, and $68 million per hour in store sales!
Additionally, Walmart makes $1.6 billion a day in revenue and a staggering $49 billion per month in sales. When combined, Walmart earns $559 billion per year as of 2022.
What is Walmart best known for?
Walmart (historically Wal-mart) is a discount American department store. They are best known for their exceedingly low prices.
The descendants of Sam Walton are the wealthiest family in the world. The family includes the wife of John, two of his nieces and three children. They're worth over $150 billion.
Where is Walmart most popular?
Walmart is most popular in the United States.
For many Americans, Walmart is one of the most easily recognizable stores. It could be from the sheer size of the land they take up, or the features commonly found at the entrance to one, such as the Walmart sign.
Walmart deliberately sets itself up to be recognized by passers by. It's one reason why their revenue remains a hot contender with other retail companies.
Walmart's popularity in America shouldn't be understated. There are currently 4,756 stores spread across the country, including Alaska and Hawaii.
Of those stores, 3,571 of them are Walmart supercenters. There are 809 smaller market stores made by Walmart. Some of the smaller Walmart stores make up the newest. There has been much renovation work done by Walmart with their stores over the years.
New stores will surely be built in the years to come. Walmart excels by carrying out large construction projects that don't take long to complete.
In some cases, they may buy a vacant property and set up a store. The same applies to Walmart stores outside of the United States as well. Recently this trend has been done more often, especially in cities where having a supercenter isn't advisable and wouldn't be too difficult to restock and
How does Walmart make so much money?
Walmart retails supplies in large quantities and variety. For this reason, they're able to maintain high revenues that grow almost every year.
However, that's not the entire thing. Walmart is a very big company and the top employer in the United States. Branding is important, as price. With these two things combined, the business consistently puts out good foot traffic in stores.
Another is hours. In the US, many of Walmart's supercenters are open for 24 hours.
While the unfortunate events that took place since 2020 are still lingering, more stores than normal may have taken a hit in their hours. But for the most part, Walmart has maintained a good clientele since the beginning of it.
Walmart has a strategy to lead other competitors in price, service, and ease of getting their supplies to the customer.
Walmart steadily keeps its low prices, since the secondary focus of what customers want is good interaction with their food supply groups. In fact, Walmart's supply chain has been ranked as one of the most major of all other companies.
Walmart is willing to spend their money on big projects when they come up. The total number of such suppliers is in the hundreds of millions.
Just the dollar amount of the items they secure and the money they donate to local areas sometimes puts them at an advantage, particularly with local retail outlets.
Another way that Walmart makes money is by being everywhere. It's difficult to miss one in the US, and Walmart has certainly made it easier for customers to handle all of their shopping at one location.
How much does Walmart lose to theft each year?
Walmart loses $3 billion in thefts every year.
Thefts have been a problem at retail stores for a long time, and Walmart isn't an exception. The company has spent lots of money looking for ways and implementing protections to minimize the chance of theft.
These include detectors at every entry and exit, Security cameras that leave no stone unturned, and in some cases, backup law enforcement. Much of the shoplifters that go to Walmart will do so in the daylight hours.
Still 30 billion is a lot smaller than 300 billion, and Walmart is certainly insured. If Walmart increased security measures, it'll likely be a way that doesn't make their customers inconvenienced.
Which state has the most Walmarts?
Texas has the highest number of Wal-Mart stores, 516 to be exact.
Walmart is easy to find in almost every US state. But some states have more Walmarts than others. The first is Texas. Texas has a Walmart in almost every major California city.
The second state that's very popular for Walmart is Florida. Florida has 341 stores, more possibly on the way very soon. Florida is well known for having large shopping centers in most of the major urban and suburban cities, and a large population to boot. This is the likely reason why there are many between Texas and Florida.
The third highest state in store count is North Carolina, with Georgia coming in behind it. Southern states other than Florida have large numbers of retail stores.
Walmart earns a significant amount of their revenue from the southern US. As a result, expansions, store renovations, and a better variety of what people in the area are offered online helps the region stay active with Walmart establishments.
Is Walmart bigger than Amazon?
Amazon has an annual revenue of $457.965 billion in 2021. Walmart had $571.962 billion.
Walmart definitely has larger statistics that beat out competition, but so does Amazon. Both of these years count for the full 12 months. Walmart has 1.3 million employees, and it is the biggest private employer in the United States. Worldwide, Walmart employs about 2.3 million people. Furthermore, Walmart had a gross profit of $143.223.
Looking at Amazon, the company employs significantly fewer workers than Walmart does, their brick and mortar stores aren't very good in English. Amazon's gross profit in 2021 was $189.172, slightly more than Walmart.
Overall, both Amazon and Walmart are large companies, but bigger in their own way from one another. Amazon, for example, employs more people to assist in their e-commerce business than Walmart does.
But Walmart does have a growing online presence as well. This could change in the future, as both companies grow and expand their businesses.
But the most likely scenario is that both Walmart and Amazon will stay competitive for a long time, but see skyrocketing e-commerce growth that's much higher than even today. Since the beginning of 2020, Walmart has grown online by an incredible amount.
Where people once went to Amazon to look for electronics, items, and merchandise, they can find it at Walmart, and have it arrive at their doorstep just as fast as what Amazon can do.
Lastly, both Walmart and Amazon have many great things in common. Each has large distribution centers for moving their supplies, both have expanded to outside of the United States, and each have competitive prices.
There's more in common with them than not, which will appear to be more of the case as they generate more online growth.
Customers are looking for an easy way to buy what they need without having to interact heavily with others, such as contactless delivery services. This is possible to do with Amazon and Walmart.
Who owns Walmart?
The Walton family are the owners of Walmart, and have been since it's began.
Walmart isn't owned by China or in any way affiliated with China in the corporate area. Instead, the Walton family owns and manages the company. It's been a family business since its inception.
The Walton family owns 50% of the shares with Walmart, through Walton family holdings trust and Walton Enterprises. Walmart will probably remain a family business for a very long time. The Walton family are pride in their business and regularly talk to employees and manages in different stores.
How much do Walmart employees make?
Walmart employees make between $10 and $19.
Walmart employees are a diverse mix of all people, ages, and backgrounds. With the amount of stores they have spread around and the large number of workers working among them, it's not surprising.
Most employees with the company start out with $11 hourly, though could get larger pay for things such as being a sales associate or pharmacist.
The pay range starts at $11 and continues to $19. However, this isn't the case for every Walmart, where regional areas may require that Walmart employees be paid much higher than 11 from the start.
Walmart has seen their employees make higher wages than in year's past. Payroll expenses in retail have been slow to rise, but Walmart has shown that it is looking into providing wages that are higher than the US national minimum.
Again, Walmart is the largest employer of Americans in the United States, and feedback among them is routinely done to get a better look into their needs and concerns.
Walmart has shown strong growth in the past five year. seemingly unfazed by the major events that have taken place in the beginning of the 2020s.
The company's online operations have increased exponentially, coming into comparison by other major web retail giants. These gains aren't expected to decrease anytime soon.
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