How Much Does Target Make? 91 Statistics
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Key Target Statistics
- Target annual revenue for 2021 was $93.561 billion, a 19.78% increase from 2020.
- Target has 1,900 stores spread throughout the world.
- Target generated $93.561 total revenue in 2021.
- 78% of Target's revenue is acquired at physical store locations, with 18% provided through customer purchases made online.
- Worldwide, there are 2 million customers that shop in Target stores on a daily basis.
- 33% of Target's revenue is made from customers purchasing items from Target's own branded merchandise.
- Of all Target's employees, 91% report their employment as being a good working establishment. 89% of Target's workers are satisfied with the equipment they need to complete their duties successfully.
- Beauty items account for 26% of Target's sales, 20% for grocery items, and 18% for electronics.
- Currently, there are 409,000 people working for Target throughout the world.
- Since 2021, Target has held a total of 44 distribution centers.
Target Revenue Stats
Target Annual Revenue
Target annual revenue for 2021 was $93.561 billion, a 19.78% increase from 2020.
Target annual revenue for 2020 was $78.112 billion, a 3.66% increase from 2019.
Target annual revenue for 2019 was $75.356 billion, a 3.63% increase from 2018.
The franchise is loved by people, even customers who don't routinely shop of large box stores.
For this reason and many others, the brand continues to show strong revenue, especially in 2021. But even in the previous years, annual revenue for Target were high.
2019 saw the company take in $75.356 billion. That was a rise by over 3% from the preceding year. 2020 was good as well, but the increase percentage-wise from 2019 is only by the decimal.
Target Quarterly Revenue
Target had a quarterly revenue of $25.65 billion in 2021.
Quarterly revenue breaks down further the amount of money that a company earns in four-part segments of the year.
This means that Target's quarterly sales account for three months out of a full calender year. On a year-over-year basis, Target's revenue is 13.34%.
This is different from daily revenue but plays an important part in how shareholders conduct trades with publicly-shared companies. Target is the same, yet with good sales being consistent, investment made with them aren't expected to falter.
Target Daily Revenue
For daily revenue, Target reports $256,331,507.
A company's daily revenue is acquired by dividing their annual revenue with the number of days in a calender year. Since 2021 wasn't a leap year, Target made over $250 million every day.
Changes in what's purchased, whether they're purchased online, and trends in merchandise can be further scrutinized by gather info on purchases made day by day.
Of course, changes to sales made online and in-person are expected to happen during major events, such as during the holiday season and summer time.
Target Online Ecommerce Revenue
Target's online sales totaled $122.477 billion in 2020.
E-commerce was of major importance to consumer in 2020, and continues to be in light of current global events. By constrast, Target's competitor, Walmart, generated $41.114 billion in revenue sales online.
These figures are based in the United States, where each business has a higher presences of stores, employees, and customers. Home Depot lagged behind with nearly $17 billion e-commerce sales.
From the online statistic concerning Target, the company remains a leader contender for shoppers that like to buy online and in-person.
Number Of Target Customers
There are 2 million customers that visit Target every day.
Target knows how to maintain a steady stream of customers. People enjoy shopping with the brand for their clean stores, modern appeal, and competitively-priced retail items.
Millions of people drive to their locations every day, primarily for household items, electronics, and groceries. However, this isn't exhaustive to what Target sells.
The brand has made great efforts to provide their customers with goods that are high in quality but much lower in price than other brands. It's one reason why their store-owned goods do so well with clientèle visiting them.
Target Gross Profit
Target had a gross profit in 2021 of $30.661 billion.
What is gross profit, and why is it important?
Gross profit is the money made by a business when all other deductible expenses are taken out. Deductibles can change according to the company.
However, some of these could include property taxes, manufacturing fees for shipping product through supply chains, or even payroll expenses.
Simply put, it's the money that a company makes after it takes out the prices needed to get their products retailed.
Target had a gross profit of $7.4 billion in the final quarter of 2021. Yeah-over-year, that's a 4.53% gain. As for 2020's annual report, the chain made $27.3 billion in 2020.
Target Stock Price History
The current stock price for Target is $214.04 per share.
A company's stock price history can determine the standing of shareholder, what actions taken place in the company's recent history were good for the business, and better ways to take the company forward in the future.
Target set a record last year in 2021, where they closed with $266.39 per share on November 16. This amount is expected to be broken in 2022, possibly in the final quarter of the year.
Additionally, Target had a stock price of $268.98 for their 52-week stock price. The lowest 52-week price was 166.82, 22.1% lower than Target's current price per share.
Target Market Cap
The market cap for Target is $102.16 billion.
What's the meaning of market cap?
Market cap is when the standard that investors use to accurately gauge a company's size. It's found by taking a company's lastest stock price and multiplying it with outstanding shares.
The above market cap of Target is current, being reported in February of 2022. With investors, market cap can also serve as an important way for them to see what companies will help them gain a portfolio with a wide range of businesses.
The statistics regarding market cap are often sought by would-be shareholders, taken as a good sign of where a company will stand in quarterly states in the immediate future.
Target Operating Income
Target has an operating income of $8.68 billion in the latter part of 2021.
To run any business takes funds, but to run one that's a large as Target requires even more. Money aside, operating income is the dollar amount that's left when fund needed to maintain a functioning business are taken out. This can be anything from interest payments to insurance costs.
On a year-over-year scale, Target had 3.88% at $2.010 billion in operating income. In 2020, the business reported $4.658 billion, which is a 40.38% increase from 2021.
Not surprising at all, given that Target has made a larger push for making gains in their e-commerce side of revenue. As such, operating income should rise in the years that follow 2021.5
Target's EBITDA in 2021 was $9.024 billion.
Understanding EBITDA is important, since the can determiner the profitability of a company over a long term. It doesn't factor in expenses that aren't operational to run a business.
Therefore, EBITDA is good for understanding the comparisons of companies based on where their businesses are located, the governments they reside under, and the interest payments paid to financial institutions. Target's EBITDA in 2020 was $7.262 billion, more than 2019 by 10.3%. That year, the company showed $6.584 billion in EBITDA.
Target Net Income
Target generated $6.782 billion of net income in 2021.
Not income, or net worth, is the amount of profit that a business has after all lost payments made to run the business are factored. In short, it's known be subtracting the amount of money that a company spends.
The funds lefts after all expenses are the result. Year-over-year, Target had a net income of $1.488 billion. Compared to the annual net income of 2021, the year 2020 was 33.13% lower with $3.281 billion being reported.
Not to be confused with total profits, net income can only be known after all monetary payments are made, which includes funds spend on employees.
Target EPS
Target's EPS in 2021 was $13.58 billion.
EPS stands for earnings per share, and Target shows promising stats in this area. Their year-to-year share earnings was $3.04, a rise by over 50 percent. As for yearly EPS, 2020 was $8.64, 35.85% higher than 2021. The trend on percentage increases goes back to 2018.
That year rose by 4.16% to 2019, where $5.51 is shown. By taking out net income, earnings per share can accurately measure the profitability of a company by potential shareholders. This makes an extremely important statistic to Target and the people investing in them.
Target Shares Outstanding
For Target, shares outstanding were reported at $505 million in 2021. This is a reduction form 2020's $516 million.
When a private company goes public, they become traded and invested by anyone that's willing to spend money on them.
For this, shareholder need a constant wave of information that shows them how well a company is conducting business, how they allocate profits, and whether or not the business is in line with the expectations from other investors.
Shares outstanding statistics play a part in them determining these factors. It's the share amount that a company has with each shareholder. However, shares outstanding is also important conversions of debt and security transactions.
Number Of Target Stores
How many Target stores are there in the world?
Since the beginning of 2022, Target has 1,926 stores throughout the world.
The United States isn't the only place where Target can be found. It's a very popular place to shop in Mexico, were numerous Target stores are located.
They're not in abundant as they are in America, but considerable in number nonetheless. Target also has stores and office locations in Canada, India, Bangladesh, and even South America.
All signs point the the possibility of Target expending their international presence even further. However, they're not commonly found in most Europeans nations. Overall, the United States in the dominant place for Target to conduct business and earn profits.
How many Target stores are there in the U.S?
There are 1,897 Target stores in the United States.
The US is where Target calls home, Minneapolis, Minnesota to be exact.
The company had been in operation in the country for decades, and is popular among people that enjoy shopping online and in-person. The number of stores reported were counted in 2020.
In 2019, Targets built dozens of more stores in the US and Canada. As expected, more stores are on the way. Speaking of which, there could also be an increase in distribution centers if Target continues to see strong revenue increases in their e-commerce business.
Number Of Target Employees
Target has 409,000 people actively working as employees for the company.
Target total number of employees in 2021 was 409,000, a 11.14% increase from 2020.
Target total number of employees in 2020 was 368,000, a 2.22% increase from 2019.
Target total number of employees in 2019 was 360,000, a 4.35% increase from 2018.
Target total number of employees in 2018 was 345,000, a 6.81% increase from 2017.
It's no secret that the majority of Target employees are satisfied with their job. The company has consistently gotten high praise for their clean stores, friendly staff, and knowledgeable managers.
They've achieve this by working one on one with employees and customers, doing extensive and detailed surveys, and living up to the promises made.
In fact, the overwhelming majority of Target's workforce rated the company favorably. This isn't commonly found among many brick and mortar retail stores, especially those are large as Target Corporation.
Target Assets & Liabilities Statistics
Target Total Assets
Target total assets from 2006 to 2021. Total assets can be defined as the sum of all assets on a company's balance sheet.
Target total assets for the quarter ending October 31, 2021 were $54.411B, a 7.4% increase year-over-year.
Target total assets for 2021 were $51.248B, a 19.8% increase from 2020.
Target total assets for 2020 were $42.779B, a 3.61% increase from 2019.
Target total assets for 2019 were $41.29B, a 2.45% increase from 2018.
Target Cash On Hand
Target 2021 cash on hand was $8.511 billion.
Cash on hand are the deposits of funds provided to the banks that Targets holds their money in. However, the caveat is that the cash must be able to be immediately withdraws when needed.
This is sometimes done when business, purchase other companies through larger mergers. For these institutions, the investments typically mature after a year has passed. Cash on hand was reported year-over-year by Target to be $5.753 billion, a percentage reduction of 4.05%.
Target Long Term Debt
The long-term debt of Target in 2021 was $11.536 billion.
Long-term debt is the total dollar amount of all debts that a business must pay over a set period. As the term implies, this can be over an extended period but it subject to change every quarter and year.
For example, in 2020, Target reported their long-term debt to be $11.338 billion, which is slightly over 10% higher than in 2019.
But for 2019, the company's long-term debt was calculated at $10.223 billion, which declined when compared to 2018. As the company grows Target's long-term debt could rise considerably over the next three years.
Target Total Liabilities
Target's total liabilities show $36.808 billion, last calculated in 2021.
With large companies like Target, customers, other businesses, and employees are going to file claims. It happens every day with corporations.
Claims could be anything from slips and falls, vehicular accidents that take place near the property of a business, and other related personal injuries.
Claims are done through attorneys and are sometimes reached through a settlement agreement.
Target handles $40.608 billion in claims on a year-over-year scale. But in 2020, the annual amount of liabilities were $30.808 billion. This means that 2021's liabilities were almost 20% higher.
Target Shareholder Equity
Target's shareholder equity was $14.44 billion in 2021.
Shareholder equity is determined by the total amount of equity items made, both preferred and common. Over several years, Target had a 3.63% increase in shareholder equity of $13.803 billion in.
This too was reported in 2021. But annually, 2020 saw Target at $11.833 billion, nearly 5% higher than the amount shown for 2019.
Target Margins Statistics
Target Profit Margins
Target's profit margins for 2021 were 6.56%.
When a company wished to know their profit margin, they must first find the amount of income that was spent on running the business.
This included thins such as supply chains, money spend on getting items to distribution centers, employee expenses, and maintenances of stores.
Since Target has a reputation on cleanliness, they typically spend large amounts of money of upkeep and the machines required to keep their facilities in a new-like state.
These are all a part of what's deducted from expenses. The result are profit margins, an pertinent stat for investors find out where funds could be provided to improve the company.
Target Gross Margins
The latest gross profit margin being reported by Target is 29.67%.
Gross margin in the percentage that are company has prior to subtracting overhead and accounting fees. This is crucial to finding out whether margins are good, or if improvement should be made over time.
Target Operating Margins
Currently, Target has an operating margin of 6.29%.
This is the amount and percentage of operating a business after interest payments are taxes are taken out of their revenue. Profit margin is acquired every year, usually in the latter quarter.
It's commonly brought up by investors and shareholders for being important in seeing how a business can grow in the immediate future.
Without it, things would be harder for investors and Target to gain insight into the money being allocated in different localities, and whether or not it help improve sales.
Target EBITDA Margins
Target's EBITDA margin is 10.91%.
This is earning before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. Target's reports in this are reported for the entire decade. In 2019, there wasn't a large percentage increase from were the margin currently stands.
Target Pre-Tax Profit Margins
Target's pre-tax profit margin in the final part of 2021 was reported at 8.34%.
As the name shows, pre-tax profit margins is the percentage amount of money being earned by a company after all taxes are paid out.
Since Target is a large company, this amount is subject to change every year. Target operates in varied jurisdictions with more than one tax code, stipulating them to pay different percentages in taxes. When those taxes are paid and the amount tallied, the pre-tex profit margin can be calculated.
Target Net Margins
Net margins for Target in 2021 was 6.56%, which was reported in late 2021.
Net profit margin is the total net income that lies in part of a business's sales. It's useful to see where new innovations with a corporation can take place, where new facilities could be opened, and even what new merchandise sold by a company can be.
Target Price Ratios
Target PE Ratio
The current price to earnings ratio for Target is 16.36.
The price to earnings ratio is the amount of funds that are shown after getting price of a company's closing share and dividing that by the EPS, or earnings per share.
This is all that's needed, and is useful for both Target and their investors. It helps them both to better understand how stocks perform, and whether or not they're priced higher or lower than what they should be.
Target P/S Ratio
Target's price to sales ratio is 1.03.
Price to sales ratios are important in that they help Target officials to analyze and obtain info on whether investors are okay with paying for a specific share price. It also helps the company gain insight to better keep shares valuable for investor considering a purchase of their shares.
Target Price/Book Ratio
As shown in February of 2022, Target's price to book ratio is 7.40.
With a price to book ratio, Target's investors can use the value to measure the company's prices per share, and whether they're priced at a satisfactory amount.
Secondly, it shows were the stock's cost is trading well, and how parallel is is to the book value of the business. Lower values usually means that shareholders that prices could be too low.
Therefore, price to book is frequently searched for and relied on, particularly by long-term investors.
Target Price-FCF Ratio
Target has a price to FCF ratio of 17.68.
The company's free cash flow is important because it is a key indicator of its ability to generate additional revenue, which is an important element of stock prices.
Without knowing how much revenue could be added on a yearly basis, companies would never expend. Surely, this is the case for Target and their good price-FAF ratios are a testament to how well the company has conducted business operations over its decades of existence.
Target Net Worth
For Target, net worth was shown as $102.16 billion in early 2022.
When a company can accurately gauge their net worth, it shows to the them were money is being poorly spent.
For large corporations like Target, this typically isn't a problem since the business has the tools and resources to increase their net worth, while simultaneously adding gains to it year after year.
Target Other Ratios
Target Current Ratio
Target's current ratio is 0.97.
With current ratio, and company can accurately measure their liquidity and how well they handle payments over a short period of time. The statistic looks promising for Target, no doubt contributing to their greater expansion into the online world.
Target Quick Ratio
Target's quick ratio in the final quarter of 2021 was 0.33.
Companies needs a fast way to deal with issue as they arise. Although businesses spend lots of money trying to make accurate forecasts about their future, there's always the chances of uncertainty.
One of these are liabilities payments to people, organizations, or even banks. With a good quick ratio, it shows how well prepare an organization is to deal with unpredictable surprises that require immediate attention through payments.
Target Debt/Equity Ratio
Target's debt to equity ratio for 2021's final quarter was 0.84.
The Debt/equity ratio is a gauge of a business's power in the industry they belong to. It's determined through finding the long term debit, then dividing it by the equity of their shareholders.
In finance, the quick ratio, also known as the acid-test ratio is a type of liquidity ratio, which measures the ability of a company to use its near cash or quick assets to extinguish or retire its current liabilities immediately.
It is defined as the ratio between quickly available or liquid assets and current liabilities.
Quick assets are current assets that can presumably be quickly converted to cash at close to their book values.
In finance, the quick ratio, also known as the acid-test ratio is a type of liquidity ratio, which measures the ability of a company to use its near cash or quick assets to extinguish or retire its current liabilities immediately.
It is defined as the ratio between quickly available or liquid assets and current liabilities. Quick assets are current assets that can presumably be quickly converted to cash at close to their book values.
Target ROE
At the end of 2021, Target had a return on equity of 46.72%.
Target ROA
For return on assets, Target reported 13.07%.
Target ROI
Returns on investment were calculated by Target to be 26.01% in late 2021.
Target Return On Tangible Equity
Target had a 46.72% return on tangible equity in the latter part of 2021.
Return on tangible equity can be defined as the amount of net income returned as a percentage of shareholders equity, after subtracting intangible assets, goodwill and preferred equity.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the #1 selling item at Target?
The most sold item in Target stores is beauty and household items, taking up 24.46 billion in overall sales.
Target sells many electronic, household, pet, and clothing items to their customers. Their customers base it what keeps them afloat, and Target pays special attention to their needs.
Some of the most common items sold in Target stores are beauty items. They're well-known for carrying all manner of beauty goods for both men and women, usually retailed lower than other competing stores.
Target's beauty items are easy to find and are available in almost off of their locations. Depending on the location, these beauty items may change to accurately fit the needs of the target demographic in the area.
How much does one Target make a day?
A single Target makes about $134,911 every day.
Daily expenses for each of Target's stores are different. Some stores sell more items by a particular brand than others, while there are also stores with a larger selection of electronic merchandise.
This changes according to the store, but can have a drastic impact of the amount of daily sales made there.
Although the average is $134.911, this will be more of an approximate number to what's actually made. Daily earnings also rise and fall on the weekends and weekdays, holidays, and other major events in the store's local area of operation.
To find out Target's daily earnings, the annual amount of sales should be divided by the number of days in a year. Since 2021 wasn't a leap year, their revenue for the year's 12-month period shows the daily average when segmented.
What is Target best known for?
Target is best known for selling household items, clothing, clothing accessories, and beauty items.
However, this is hardly all that the brand has become famous for. One major part of Target that people have come to familiarize themselves with are their store's aesthetic.
The large red decorations and symbols make the brand easily identifiable, even when shown only for a glimpse. Target's a popular spot for eating as well.
In the United States, restaurants are usually placed in the store's front. Most of the items provided are fast food, helping customers to quickly eat before are after shopping.
Target is also known for selling lots of toys for kids. They've been a long-term seller of baseballs cards, comic books, and kids electronic items.
Target is most known for the sale of household essentials, home decor, groceries (including beverages, dry perishables, fresh, and frozen foods), electronics, appliances, apparel, and baby products (such as toys) of which are sold under a Target-owned brand.
Where is Target most popular?
Target is most popular in the United States and has over 1800 stores in America.
How does Target make so much money?
Target-U.S. makes revenue by selling a wide assortment of general merchandise and food through its stores located in various cities in the US.
How much does Target lose to theft each year?
The retailing giant says that it loses about $3 billion every year from theft, or 1% of its $300 billion in revenue, Reuters reports.
Leading the effort to fight back against this so-called “shrinkage” is Greg Foran, head U.S. operations, who told reporters Thursday that cutting down on these loses was a key priority for the firm in coming months.
Which state has the most Targets?
As of January 30, 2021, California was the state with the most Target stores in the United States, with 307.
Is Target bigger than Amazon?
Amazon had a Worldwide revenue of $469.82 billion in late 2021. Target had $103.348 billion.
However, Target is now growing faster than Amazon in the U.S. retail space. Drive-up services to its stores have been a key differentiator.
Who owns Target?
Target is owned by the Target Corporation and not by Walmart, even though Walmart has purchased a number of Target stores to be renovated and used as Walmart chain stores.
How much do Target employees make?
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